
Pause & Practice Peace Advent Sessions

Body Scan Coping Skill (Guided Meditation Exercise)

A body scan meditation can help us to notice what sensations are happening as well as what tension we might be holding in our body. The following is a short version of a head to toe body scan inviting you to creating greater awareness and connection with your body.

Perhaps take some time to practice this meditation at different points in your day, before and after different activities, or when you are trying to cultivate a greater sense of calm. As you get used to this exercise you can practice shorter and longer versions- using this as a check-in for yourself or a practice to allow yourself to settle into a longer mediation or prayer time. You might find that the more often you engage with a body scan practice, you create a greater awareness of your body and the emotions and experiences it holds.


Container Coping Skill (Guided Visual Imagery and Meditation)

As I do trauma work with clients, we often use an imaginary container as a coping skill. Clients imagine a container like a file cabinet, safe, or trunk that can “hold” triggering or distressing images, sounds, and emotions. This helps with emotion regulation and trauma responses as we have a skill that helps us have and take space. It’s visual imagery and a meditation that can be so helpful. 

One of my favorite things about using a container for a coping skill is thinking about how it becomes a choice to now contain triggers which helps with maladaptive coping patterns of running, escaping, or avoiding. Containing is not running. We chose to come back to the content in our container with our therapist or in our own time when ready and able to give it our full attention.


I often post resources, reflections, and reels on Instagram. Feel free to follow along!